Europa wil jouw mening horen: enquêtes over cultuur, opleiding en audiovisuele kunsten

Consultation on a future European Union Culture Programme

The consultation is open to individual citizens, public and private bodies, local/regional authorities, ministries and relevant stakeholders in the field of culture both inside and outside the EU and in the European institutions and associations.

Objective of the consultation is to gather input on the next round of the culture programme after 2013, especially its objectives, activities and types of support.

While globalisation affords unprecedented conditions for enhanced interaction between cultures, it also represents a challenge for cultural diversity, especially through imbalances between poor and rich countries, and small and large ones, as well as increased standardisation.

There is a need to see how the future Programme's objectives and action lines should be revised in the light of current developments.

enquête over het cultuurprogramma 2013: (omg. 50 vragen)

enquête over ondersteuning van audiovisuele kunsten na 2013: (omg. 20 vragen)⟨=en

enquête over opleiding en onderwijs na 2014: (omg. 20 vragen)⟨=en

alle enquêtes van de Interactive Policy Making Online Consultations:
