Yann Deval - Video Gallery

Gewijzigd op : 16-11-14

The New York Times / Modern Love: Fight or Flight


gepubliceerd op : 16-11-14

Commissioned by The New York Times for the Modern Love series Featured on Motionographer (motionographer.com/2014/03/21/modern-love-fight-or-flight) Featured on Etapes (etapes.com/de-l-amour-moderne-pour-le-new-york-times) Based on the column by Sarah L. Courteau nytimes.com/2014/03/23/fashion/Modern-Love-An-Act-of-Protection-Even-as-Things-Fell-Apart-.html Animated by REANIMATION Stéphane Laplatte // Direction, editing, 3D animation & motion design Yann Deval // Shooting, Tracking, Motion-graphics design & animation Boris Wilmot // Shooting, Motion-graphics design & animation Thomas Fage // Motion-graphics design & animation Audio Producer : Jocelyn Gonzales Series Producer : Zena Barakat Behind the scenes : vimeo.com/90107743 --

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