Annick Blavier: Oui, ce soir

donderdag - zaterdag van 14u. -> 18u.

No one ever asks us about language: this phrase, accompanying one of Annick Blavier’s ink-jet prints, resounds like an enigmatic and fraternal echo of the questions she, she, asks. Enigmatic, because the fragment-of a sentence or image-is the touchstone of her work. Fraternal, because Annick Blavier works with the transversal –mirror images, boundary crossings.
She is constantly recreating her place, at the centre of a dialogue where philosophers - like Derrida, Barthes, Deleuze - writers and film-makers - Kafka and Godard - meet. Or just ordinary people, like me, you, us, her, as a little bit of history (our personal history, as passers-by, witnesses, or spectators) erupts within History, through images cut out of old magazines...

Ruimte Morguen
Waalse Kaai 21-22 — 2000 - Antwerpen
Gratis evenement

januari 2011

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februari 2011

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maart 2011

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