Call for video material - E-theatre - free streaming on contemporary performing arts

E-theatre collaborates with the Teatro Nuovo Colosseo in Rome, Italy.
In the last 10 years, the theater management - through departmental funding – decided to open the website as a free streaming on contemporary performing arts. This service not only allows artists to show their work but also to create a visual archive for the community. It is scheduled for December 2012 the elargition of the archive to all the European countries. This service is completely free: for the artists and for the visitors.

If you want your artistic projects listed on website (in the form of full performances, trailers or documentaries), thank you to bring them (in DVD format)to the Documentation Center of Contredanse (Rue de Flandre, 46 - Bruxelles) within the 15th of october 2012.

You should accompany a description of the work (in English) with credits and your referring contacts.

You also should sign the attached declaration.

We'll take care October after the 15th of october to collect all the videos and documents and then upload them into the site.
After this first step, from the beginning of January 2013, it will be possible for you to upload your own videos on the site, only registering with a password.
For any additional questions, you can contact us:

Tel.: +32 (0)473 33 17 17


Offres de service
Zoekertje toegevoegd op
2012-08-16 18:21:31
Gepubliceerd door Ff88de75eb4bdffbaac39d55fff07574sandro mabellini