Rencontre avec l’Orchestre du Gugak center de Séoul et les joueurs de Komungo

Modifiée le : 27/06/2012

Compte rendu à l’attention de SMART asbl Bourse Salto Bruxelles, 10 décembre 2011: Avant toutes choses, bonne année 2012 Et je tiens à remercier SMartBe ‐ et en particulier Judith Verhoeven, pour son soutien à nos projets de recherches artistiques

II. South Korea 11‐ Schedule

FLY DEPARTURE 11:40 on Monday 14th ‐ ARRIVAL KOREA 09:15 on Tuesday 15th

16th Wednesday


10:00 ‐ 12:00 listening to the pratice of the Gukak Orchestra

12:00 lunch with Lee Baewon

14:00 Gukakwon Orchestra composition

18:00 Meeting with Kim Young‐jae, komungo player

17th Thursday


10:00 ‐ 12:00 listening to the pratice of the Gukak Orchestra

14:00 ‐ 17:00 trying my komungo composition with Park Yeong Soeng, komungo player Gugakwon Orchestra

18th Friday


10:00 ‐ 12:00 listening to the pratice of the Gukak Orchestra

14:00 ‐ 17:00 komungo composition with Park Yeong Soeng, komungo player Gugakwon Orchestra

19:30 Hwang Byung‐ki ‐ Gugakwon Orchestra concert ‐ free entrance

Week End 19th‐20th and on Monday 21th morning free

21st Monday


16:00 Meeting with Yong‐suk composer and copiste

17:00 practice my komungo composition with Jung‐a komungo player SNU

19:00 practice my komungo composition with Jung‐a + the changgo player

22th Tuesday


10:00 ‐ 12:00 listening to the pratice of the Gukak Orchestra

14:00 ‐17:00 composition for komungo

23th Wednesday


09:00‐13:00 practice my komungo composition with Jung‐a komungo player SNU

13 :00 lunch with Sngkn Kim

14 :00 meeting with I Ji‐young, kayagum teacher SNU

23th afternoon ‐24th free

Auteur : Baudouin de Jaer, compositeur-componist - Date : 10 Dec. 2011