Musica Antiqua Festival

Reports of adventurous journeys and the rare and precious goods brought back to Europe inspire the imagination about the exotic.

MAfestival Bruges focuses on these influences in the 17th and 18th-centuried western Music and presents them during different concerts. From 6th till 15th August you can hear works as Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme of J.B. Lully, Les Indes Galantes of J.P. Rameau, Les Nations of F. Couperin, the Turcaria of J.J. Fux and music of the Janitscharen by L. Spohr.

The international competition Musica Antiqua 2010 focuses on Harpsichord and Pianoforte.

‘t Zand 34 — 8000 - Brugge
Flandre occidentale
Site internet
Date de début
Date de fin

août 2010

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