Kozzmozz needs audiorecording volunteers

Kozzmozz Events created and manages many leading events in the Belgian nightlife, mostly related to electronic music, such as: Kozzmozz, Starwarz, Muzzik, Retro Acid, Elektron, ... or even coproductions with GiveMeWood.

Kozzmozz Events is looking for 2 volunteers who would like to make recordings on their various events.
The idea is that you're present the entire night and you should own a laptop with a quality soundcard.
Knowledge about digital recording is required and being able to communicate smoothly in English with the artists also comes in handy.

In exchange you and your friends get free access to all of the Kozzmozz events, and of course you will get free drinks.

Do you have a passion for music and the above description sounds like something you would like to do?
then contact them ONLY via their email (down this page).

May the K be with you.


contact us via info@kozzmozz.com.


son / audio
Flandre orientale
Annonce ajoutée le
2009-10-15 17:09:44
Posté par Smartagora-a-iconAgoranomios